Weasel Moot VIII 2024 Background
- David Graff has won Best Italy once.
- Christopher Moreman has never won Best England.
- Morgante Pell has never won Best Germany.
- David Graff most recently competed in a tournament (Virtual Tour of Britain 2022) in 2022.
- Adam Silverman most recently won Best Germany in 2019 at Cascadia Open 2019 with 12 Supply Centres.
- Kevin O'Kelley most recently competed in a tournament (Weasel Moot 2022) in 2022.
- Ed Sullivan most recently won Best France in 2023 at Carnage 2023 with 8 Supply Centres.
- Ben Kellman most recently won Best Russia in 2022 at Virtual Cascadia 2022 with 8 Supply Centres.
- Chris Kelly has won 2 of 34 tournaments (5.88%).
- Brandon Fogel most recently won Best England in 2017 at Tempest 2017.
- Chris Kelly has never won Best England.
- Jeff Szamborski has never won Best France.
- Nick Baker has never won Best France.
- Steven Hogue has never won Best Russia.
- Brandon Fogel first won Best Germany in 2016 at CODCon Open 2016 with 9 Supply Centres.
- Chris Kelly has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Adam Silverman has won Best Italy 3 times.
- David Graff has never won Best Germany.
- David Graff first competed in a tournament (Virtual Massacre 2021) in 2021.
- Emmett Wainwright is ranked 537/2500 internationally in the Dip Pouch Tournament Rating.
- Cameron Higbe has never won Best Russia.
- Adam Silverman has won Best Turkey 2 times.
- Morgante Pell has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Justin Loar has never won Best Turkey.
- Timothy Crosby first won Best England in 2015 at Dixie 29 2015 with 13 Supply Centres.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok most recently competed in a tournament (Cascadia Open 2024) in 2024.
- Brandon Fogel is ranked 73/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Kevin O'Kelley topped the board in 1 of 20 tournament games played (5.00%).
- Kevin O'Kelley has never won Best Italy.
- Morgante Pell has won Best France 2 times.
- Ben Kellman most recently won Best England in 2022 at Virtual Diplomacy Championship 2022 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok first won Best Russia in 2021 at e-Carnage 2021 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Timothy Crosby has won Best England once.
- Brandon Fogel has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- The best tournament result for Christian Brown is 2nd.
- Brandon Fogel has played 57 tournament games.
- Daren Brown has never won Best France.
- Nick Hybel has never won Best Turkey.
- This is the first tournament for David Harshbarger.
- Morgante Pell has played 55 tournament games.
- Christian Brown has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Justin Loar has never won Best France.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has won 4 of 19 tournaments (21.05%).
- The best tournament result for Emmett Wainwright is 14th.
- Brandon Fogel has never won Best France.
- Morgante Pell most recently competed in a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy League 2022) in 2023.
- This is the first tournament for Nick Hybel.
- Adam Silverman has won Best England 4 times.
- This is the first tournament for Nick Baker.
- Kevin O'Kelley first competed in a tournament (Weasel Moot VII 2013) in 2013.
- Ed Sullivan has won Best Russia once.
- David Harshbarger has never won Best Germany.
- Timothy Crosby most recently won Best Turkey in 2022 at Virtual Tour of Britain 2022 with 16 Supply Centres.
- Brandon Fogel won their first tournament (!!!League-Windy CityWessels 2017) in 2017.
- Christian Brown has never won Best Italy.
- This is the first tournament for Nicholas Slayton.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has won Best Austria-Hungary 3 times.
- Adam Silverman most recently won Best Austria-Hungary in 2021 at Dipcon 2021 with 8 Supply Centres.
- Chris Kelly has finished with as many as 12 centres in tournament games.
- Chris Kelly has never won Best Russia.
- Ed Sullivan has played 65 tournament games.
- Chris Kelly has competed in 34 tournaments.
- Brandon Fogel has finished with as many as 18 centres in tournament games.
- Nicholas Slayton has never won Best Italy.
- Nick Hybel has never won Best Germany.
- David Harshbarger has never won Best Italy.
- Ben Kellman first won Best England in 2022 at Virtual Diplomacy Championship 2022 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Morgante Pell has won Best Russia once.
- Steven Hogue first competed in a tournament (League - Windy City Weasels 2016) in 2016.
- Justin Loar has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Morgante Pell most recently won Best Austria-Hungary in 2022 at Weasel Moot 2022 with 14 Supply Centres.
- Cameron Higbe has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Ed Sullivan has won Best England 2 times.
- Emmett Wainwright has played 10 tournament games.
- Chris Kelly has played 39 tournament games.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok first competed in a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy League 2020) in 2020.
- Adam Silverman first won Best Russia in 2011 at Weasel Moot V 2011 with 14 Supply Centres.
- Steven Hogue has never won Best England.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok first won Best England in 2021 at Virtual Tour of Britain 2021 with 18 Supply Centres.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has competed in 19 tournaments.
- Brandon Fogel most recently won Best Turkey in 2024 at Cascadia Open 2024 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Brandon Fogel most recently won a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy League 2022) in 2023.
- Adam Silverman is ranked 9/2500 internationally in the Dip Pouch Tournament Rating.
- Nicholas Slayton has never won Best Germany.
- Ed Sullivan first won Best Italy in 2021 at e-Carnage 2021 with 12 Supply Centres.
- Chris Kelly first won Best France in 2022 at Weasel Moot 2022 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Timothy Crosby has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Cameron Higbe has never won Best Germany.
- Timothy Crosby most recently won a tournament (Virtual Tour of Britain 2022) in 2022.
- Christian Brown has never won Best Russia.
- Ben Kellman first won Best Turkey in 2021 at e-Carnage 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- The best tournament result for Steven Hogue is 3rd.
- Nicholas Slayton has never won Best England.
- Timothy Crosby has won 1 of 25 tournaments (4.00%).
- Timothy Crosby first won Best Turkey in 2022 at Virtual Tour of Britain 2022 with 16 Supply Centres.
- Chris Kelly has won Best France once.
- Cameron Higbe has never won Best Italy.
- Emmett Wainwright has finished with as many as 10 centres in tournament games.
- Morgante Pell has finished with as many as 17 centres in tournament games.
- Bryan Pravel has never won Best Russia.
- Nick Baker has never won Best Germany.
- Steven Hogue has never won Best Germany.
- Brandon Fogel first won Best England in 2017 at Tempest 2017.
- Steven Hogue is ranked 1413/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Nicholas Slayton has never won Best Turkey.
- Chris Kelly was eliminated in 10 of 39 tournament games played (25.64%).
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok most recently won Best Russia in 2021 at e-Carnage 2021 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Ed Sullivan most recently competed in a tournament (DBN Invitational 2024) in 2024.
- Adam Silverman has finished with as many as 17 centres in tournament games.
- Daren Brown has never won Best Germany.
- Ed Sullivan first won Best France in 2023 at Carnage 2023 with 8 Supply Centres.
- Chris Kelly first won Best Austria-Hungary in 2019 at !!!League - Windy Cinty Weasels 2019 with 9 Supply Centres.
- Kevin O'Kelley has never won Best England.
- Morgante Pell was eliminated in 7 of 55 tournament games played (12.73%).
- Timothy Crosby has never won Best France.
- Timothy Crosby was eliminated in 5 of 23 tournament games played (21.74%).
- Christopher Moreman has never won Best Italy.
- Bryan Pravel has never won Best Italy.
- Jeff Szamborski has never won Best Turkey.
- Adam Silverman won their first tournament (Diplomatic Incident 1 2000) in 2000.
- Emmett Wainwright has never won Best England.
- Christian Brown has never won Best Turkey.
- Ed Sullivan most recently won Best Russia in 2021 at Virtual-Cascadia 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok first won Best Italy in 2022 at Weasel Moot 2022 with 15 Supply Centres.
- Timothy Crosby won their first tournament (Virtual Tour of Britain 2022) in 2022.
- This is the first tournament for Robert Chase.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has won Best Russia once.
- Emmett Wainwright has never won Best Germany.
- Robert Chase has never won Best England.
- Timothy Crosby topped the board in 3 of 23 tournament games played (13.04%).
- Timothy Crosby has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Kevin O'Kelley was eliminated in 11 of 20 tournament games played (55.00%).
- Ed Sullivan first won Best Germany in 2021 at Virtual-Cascadia 2021 with 20 Supply Centres.
- Adam Silverman most recently competed in a tournament (Dipcon Cascadia 2024) in 2024.
- Adam Silverman first competed in a tournament (World DipCon X 2000) in 2000.
- Christian Brown has competed in 26 tournaments.
- Nick Baker has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jeff Szamborski has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Adam Silverman was eliminated in 21 of 165 tournament games played (12.73%).
- Adam Silverman most recently won Best Italy in 2014 at ConCon 2014 with 10 Supply Centres.
- David Graff has yet to top the board at a tournament.
- Morgante Pell first competed in a tournament (League - Windy City Weasels 2016) in 2016.
- Christopher Moreman has never won Best Turkey.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has played 31 tournament games.
- David Graff has played 4 tournament games.
- Daren Brown has never won Best Turkey.
- Chris Kelly most recently won Best France in 2022 at Weasel Moot 2022 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Morgante Pell most recently won Best Russia in 2021 at Virtual Massacre 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Cameron Higbe has never won Best England.
- Emmett Wainwright was eliminated in 1 of 10 tournament games played (10.00%).
- Adam Silverman has won 10 of 52 tournaments (19.23%).
- Brandon Fogel has won Best Turkey once.
- Nick Baker has never won Best Russia.
- Adam Silverman is ranked 45/3713 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok most recently won Best England in 2021 at Virtual Tour of Britain 2021 with 18 Supply Centres.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has never won Best France.
- Timothy Crosby most recently won Best Russia in 2022 at Virtual Tour of Britain 2022 with 9 Supply Centres.
- Timothy Crosby is ranked 521/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- This is the first tournament for Justin Loar.
- Christian Brown has never won Best France.
- Ben Kellman first competed in a tournament (League - Windy City Weasels 2016) in 2016.
- Justin Loar has never won Best England.
- Ed Sullivan first won Best England in 2023 at Carnage 2023 with 8 Supply Centres.
- Steven Hogue has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- David Graff has never won Best Russia.
- Christian Brown has played 50 tournament games.
- David Graff has never won Best France.
- Emmett Wainwright topped the board in 1 of 10 tournament games played (10.00%).
- Christopher Moreman first competed in a tournament (Virtual Whipping 2021) in 2021.
- David Graff has never won Best England.
- Adam Silverman has played 165 tournament games.
- Nick Hybel has never won Best Italy.
- Daren Brown has never won Best England.
- Kevin O'Kelley has finished with as many as 9 centres in tournament games.
- Christian Brown most recently competed in a tournament (Virtual Tour of Britain 2023) in 2023.
- Adam Silverman most recently won Best Russia in 2023 at Weasel Moot 2023 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Morgante Pell most recently won Best England in 2021 at Virtual Whipping 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Chris Kelly has won Best Austria-Hungary 2 times.
- Brandon Fogel topped the board in 18 of 57 tournament games played (31.58%).
- Chris Kelly most recently won Best Austria-Hungary in 2019 at !!!League - Windy Cinty Weassels!!! 2019 with 9 Supply Centres.
- The best tournament result for Christopher Moreman is 43rd.
- Ben Kellman first won Best Russia in 2022 at Virtual Cascadia 2022 with 8 Supply Centres.
- Ed Sullivan won their first tournament (Virtual-Cascadia 2021) in 2021.
- Ben Kellman has won Best Russia once.
- Ed Sullivan was eliminated in 9 of 65 tournament games played (13.85%).
- David Harshbarger has never won Best Russia.
- This is the first tournament for Jeff Szamborski.
- Christopher Moreman has competed in one tournament.
- Nick Hybel has never won Best France.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok most recently won Best Austria-Hungary in 2022 at Virtual Summer Classic 2022 with 16 Supply Centres.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok first won Best Austria-Hungary in 2022 at Cascadia 2022 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Robert Chase has never won Best Italy.
- Cameron Higbe has never won Best Turkey.
- Adam Silverman has won Best Russia 2 times.
- Emmett Wainwright has never won Best Russia.
- Brandon Fogel most recently won Best Germany in 2020 at Cascadia Open 2020 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Ed Sullivan has never won Best Turkey.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok won their first tournament (Virtual Tournament-Summer Classic 2021) in 2021.
- Ben Kellman has won Best Turkey once.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok most recently won Best Germany in 2024 at Cascadia Open 2024 with 12 Supply Centres.
- Ed Sullivan is ranked 76/3713 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Christian Brown topped the board in 1 of 50 tournament games played (2.00%).
- Christian Brown has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Steven Hogue has never won Best Italy.
- Nick Hybel has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Kevin O'Kelley has competed in 16 tournaments.
- Ben Kellman topped the board in 9 of 44 tournament games played (20.45%).
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok first won Best Turkey in 2022 at Weasel Moot 2022 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Steven Hogue has never won Best Turkey.
- Morgante Pell has won Best Austria-Hungary once.
- Timothy Crosby has played 23 tournament games.
- Ben Kellman has never won Best France.
- Christian Brown has finished with as many as 10 centres in tournament games.
- Kevin O'Kelley won USA at Weasel Moot XI 2017.
- Morgante Pell topped the board in 20 of 55 tournament games played (36.36%).
- Ed Sullivan most recently won a tournament (Nexus Full Press Season 7 2022) in 2022.
- Morgante Pell most recently won Best France in 2021 at Virtual Tour of Britain 2021 with 12 Supply Centres.
- Emmett Wainwright has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Justin Loar has never won Best Germany.
- Chris Kelly is ranked 811/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Robert Chase has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has won Best England once.
- David Graff has never won Best Turkey.
- Adam Silverman first won Best France in 2019 at Cascadia Open 2019 with 9 Supply Centres.
- Timothy Crosby is ranked 590/2500 internationally in the Dip Pouch Tournament Rating.
- David Harshbarger has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Morgante Pell first won Best Italy in 2021 at Virtual Tour of Britain 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Bryan Pravel has never won Best France.
- Ed Sullivan has won Best Germany 4 times.
- Daren Brown has never won Best Italy.
- Steven Hogue has played 24 tournament games.
- Ed Sullivan has won 2 of 39 tournaments (5.13%).
- Emmett Wainwright has never won Best Italy.
- Chris Kelly has never won Best Turkey.
- Ben Kellman has never won Best Italy.
- Brandon Fogel most recently competed in a tournament (Cascadia Open 2024) in 2024.
- Nicholas Slayton has never won Best Russia.
- David Graff has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Christopher Moreman has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Ed Sullivan most recently won Best Italy in 2021 at e-Carnage 2021 with 12 Supply Centres.
- Brandon Fogel first won Best Turkey in 2024 at Cascadia Open 2024 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Steven Hogue most recently competed in a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy League 2022) in 2023.
- Morgante Pell first won Best Russia in 2021 at Virtual Massacre 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Steven Hogue topped the board in 2 of 24 tournament games played (8.33%).
- Ed Sullivan has soloed 1 of 65 tournament games played (1.54%).
- Bryan Pravel has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Timothy Crosby has competed in 25 tournaments.
- Adam Silverman has won Best Austria-Hungary 2 times.
- Chris Kelly most recently won a tournament (The Bar Room Brawl 2015) in 2015.
- Brandon Fogel is ranked 174/2500 internationally in the Dip Pouch Tournament Rating.
- Emmett Wainwright has competed in 3 tournaments.
- Chris Kelly has never won Best Italy.
- Ben Kellman has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Robert Chase has never won Best Turkey.
- Kevin O'Kelley is ranked 3103/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Adam Silverman has won Best Germany 3 times.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok most recently won Best Turkey in 2022 at Weasel Moot 2022 with 10 Supply Centres.
- The best tournament result for David Graff is 4th.
- Morgante Pell has won Best England once.
- Chris Kelly won their first tournament (The Bar Room Brawl 2014) in 2014.
- Morgante Pell most recently won a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy Championship 2020) in 2020.
- Adam Silverman first won Best Austria-Hungary in 2007 at World DipCon XVII 2007 with 16 Supply Centres.
- Emmett Wainwright has never won Best France.
- Nicholas Slayton has never won Best France.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has won Best Italy once.
- Adam Silverman first won Best Italy in 2007 at KublaCon 2007 with 5 Supply Centres.
- Christian Brown has never won Best Germany.
- Christopher Moreman has never won Best Germany.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has won Best Germany once.
- Nick Hybel has never won Best England.
- Nick Baker has never won Best England.
- Ed Sullivan first competed in a tournament (Nexus Full Press Season 1 2018) in 2018.
- Adam Silverman won Just A Flesh Wound at Cascadia Open 2024.
- David Graff is ranked 1910/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has finished with as many as 18 centres in tournament games.
- Adam Silverman has competed in 52 tournaments.
- Christopher Moreman most recently competed in a tournament (Virtual Whipping 2021) in 2021.
- Chris Kelly won Brawl Star at The Bar Room Brawl 2014.
- Adam Silverman most recently won Best France in 2021 at Dipcon 2021 with 9 Supply Centres.
- Jeff Szamborski has never won Best Germany.
- Brandon Fogel was eliminated in 5 of 57 tournament games played (8.77%).
- Nick Baker has never won Best Italy.
- Chris Kelly first competed in a tournament (PeeriCon V 1985) in 1985.
- Daren Brown has never won Best Russia.
- Ed Sullivan has competed in 39 tournaments.
- Nick Hybel has never won Best Russia.
- Kevin O'Kelley has never won Best France.
- Ed Sullivan first won Best Russia in 2021 at Virtual-Cascadia 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has soloed 1 of 31 tournament games played (3.23%).
- Kevin O'Kelley has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Timothy Crosby has won Best Russia once.
- Morgante Pell first won Best Austria-Hungary in 2022 at Weasel Moot 2022 with 14 Supply Centres.
- Morgante Pell has never won Best Turkey.
- Timothy Crosby has never won Best Germany.
- Adam Silverman has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Adam Silverman first won Best Germany in 2005 at World DipCon XV 2005 with 14 Supply Centres.
- Ben Kellman was eliminated in 6 of 44 tournament games played (13.64%).
- Brandon Fogel has won Best Germany 2 times.
- Jeff Szamborski has never won Best Italy.
- Ben Kellman has never won Best Germany.
- Emmett Wainwright first competed in a tournament (Dixie 33 2019) in 2019.
- David Harshbarger has never won Best England.
- Ben Kellman has played 44 tournament games.
- Adam Silverman has won Best France 2 times.
- Brandon Fogel first competed in a tournament (The Bar Room Brawl 2015) in 2015.
- Adam Silverman topped the board in 70 of 165 tournament games played (42.42%).
- Nicholas Slayton has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jeff Szamborski has never won Best Russia.
- Justin Loar has never won Best Russia.
- Daren Brown has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Adam Silverman most recently won Best England in 2023 at Weasel Moot 2023 with 12 Supply Centres.
- Timothy Crosby first won Best Russia in 2022 at Virtual Tour of Britain 2022 with 9 Supply Centres.
- David Harshbarger has never won Best France.
- Chris Kelly is ranked 150/2500 internationally in the Dip Pouch Tournament Rating.
- This is the first tournament for Cameron Higbe.
- Steven Hogue has competed in 17 tournaments.
- Bryan Pravel has never won Best Germany.
- Christian Brown first competed in a tournament (League - Windy City Weasels 2016) in 2016.
- Christian Brown is ranked 843/3713 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Christopher Moreman has never won Best Russia.
- Emmett Wainwright has never won Best Turkey.
- Ed Sullivan topped the board in 22 of 65 tournament games played (33.85%).
- Ed Sullivan most recently won Best Germany in 2023 at Virtual Summer Classic 2023 with 8 Supply Centres.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok has won Best Turkey once.
- Morgante Pell first won Best England in 2021 at Virtual Whipping 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Chris Kelly topped the board in 11 of 39 tournament games played (28.21%).
- David Graff has yet to solo at a tournament.
- The best tournament result for Kevin O'Kelley is 6th.
- Christian Brown was eliminated in 23 of 50 tournament games played (46.00%).
- Steven Hogue was eliminated in 9 of 24 tournament games played (37.50%).
- David Graff was eliminated in 1 of 4 tournament games played (25.00%).
- Steven Hogue has finished with as many as 12 centres in tournament games.
- Jeff Szamborski has never won Best England.
- Brandon Fogel has won Best England once.
- Ed Sullivan has won Best France once.
- David Graff first won Best Italy in 2021 at Virtual Massacre 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Ben Kellman is ranked 403/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Ben Kellman has won Best England once.
- Steven Hogue has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Ed Sullivan most recently won Best England in 2024 at DBN Invitational 2024 with 12 Supply Centres.
- Morgante Pell has won Best Italy 2 times.
- Kevin O'Kelley has played 20 tournament games.
- Ben Kellman has finished with as many as 14 centres in tournament games.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok most recently won Best Italy in 2022 at Weasel Moot 2022 with 15 Supply Centres.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok topped the board in 15 of 31 tournament games played (48.39%).
- Brandon Fogel has competed in 40 tournaments.
- David Graff most recently won Best Italy in 2021 at Virtual Massacre 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Kevin O'Kelley has never won Best Turkey.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok is ranked 195/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Kevin O'Kelley has never won Best Russia.
- Adam Silverman first won Best England in 2001 at World Boardgaming Championships 2001 with 16 Supply Centres.
- Timothy Crosby has won Best Turkey once.
- Emmett Wainwright most recently competed in a tournament (@@@virtual-World Diplomacy Classic 2020) in 2020.
- Timothy Crosby most recently competed in a tournament (Ligue Francophone de Diplomacy Virtuelle 2022) in 2023.
- Chris Kelly won Brawl Star at The Bar Room Brawl 2015.
- Morgante Pell is ranked 159/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Ed Sullivan has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Brandon Fogel has won 12 of 40 tournaments (30.00%).
- Morgante Pell has competed in 26 tournaments.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok most recently won a tournament (Weasel Moot 2022) in 2022.
- Kevin O'Kelley has never won Best Germany.
- Morgante Pell most recently won Best Italy in 2022 at World Diplomacy Championship Carnage 2022 with 11 Supply Centres.
- David Graff has competed in 3 tournaments.
- Timothy Crosby has never won Best Italy.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok first won Best Germany in 2024 at Cascadia Open 2024 with 12 Supply Centres.
- Chung Kiu (Seren) Kwok was eliminated in 4 of 31 tournament games played (12.90%).
- Morgante Pell has won 1 of 26 tournaments (3.85%).
- The best tournament result for Ben Kellman is 3rd.
- Robert Chase has never won Best France.
- Adam Silverman was North American Champion in 2021.
- Ed Sullivan has won Best Italy once.
- Robert Chase has never won Best Germany.
- Timothy Crosby most recently won Best England in 2015 at Dixie 29 2015 with 13 Supply Centres.
- Christian Brown has never won Best England.
- David Harshbarger has never won Best Turkey.
- Cameron Higbe has never won Best France.
- Nick Baker has never won Best Turkey.
- Morgante Pell first won Best France in 2020 at Virtual-Liberty Cup 2020 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Ben Kellman has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Robert Chase has never won Best Russia.
- Steven Hogue has never won Best France.
- Bryan Pravel has never won Best England.
- Ben Kellman most recently won Best Turkey in 2021 at e-Carnage 2021 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Emmett Wainwright has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Kevin O'Kelley has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Brandon Fogel has never won Best Russia.
- This is the first tournament for Daren Brown.
- Ben Kellman most recently competed in a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy League 2022) in 2023.
- Timothy Crosby first competed in a tournament (Dixie 29 2015) in 2015.
- Adam Silverman won Just A Flesh Wound at Dipcon Cascadia 2024.
- Christopher Moreman has never won Best France.
- David Graff has finished with as many as 11 centres in tournament games.
- Timothy Crosby has finished with as many as 13 centres in tournament games.
- Brandon Fogel won USA at Weasel Royale 2017.
- Adam Silverman first won Best Turkey in 2007 at KublaCon 2007 with 16 Supply Centres.
- Ben Kellman has competed in 30 tournaments.
- Chris Kelly has never won Best Germany.
- Adam Silverman most recently won Best Turkey in 2010 at Weasel Moot IV 2010 with 13 Supply Centres.
- Brandon Fogel has never won Best Italy.
- Bryan Pravel has never won Best Turkey.
- Chris Kelly most recently competed in a tournament (Weasel Moot 2022) in 2022.
- Ed Sullivan has finished with as many as 20 centres in tournament games.
- Justin Loar has never won Best Italy.
- Morgante Pell won their first tournament (Virtual Diplomacy Championship 2020) in 2020.
- This is the first tournament for Bryan Pravel.
- Brandon Fogel has soloed 2 of 57 tournament games played (3.51%).
- Adam Silverman most recently won a tournament (Weasel Moot 2023) in 2023.