Australian Open 2024 Background
- Joshua (the Beast) Crowther has never won Best Italy.
- Martin Landauer has never won Best Germany.
- Doug Stewart has never won Best England.
- Tianyu Sun has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Shane Armstrong has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Henry Grey has never won Best France.
- William Colman has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Tianyu Sun has never won Best Italy.
- This is the first tournament for Darryl Cox.
- Jamal Blakkarly has won Best Italy once.
- Stuart Barton has never won Best England.
- Marcus Loane has never won Best Russia.
- Ar-j Castelo has never won Best Italy.
- Max Wanji Roe Banks has never won Best England.
- Joshua (the Beast) Crowther has never won Best France.
- Zoe Cameron has never won Best Turkey.
- Stuart Barton has never won Best Turkey.
- Peter McNamara has never won Best Russia.
- Jamal Blakkarly was eliminated in 4 of 39 tournament games played (10.26%).
- Jamal Blakkarly was Virtual Diplomacy Championship (VDC) Champion in 2023.
- Martin Landauer has never won Best Turkey.
- Sean Colman has never won Best England.
- Darcy Morris has never won Best Turkey.
- Ethan Peters has never won Best France.
- Ar-j Castelo has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Henry Grey has never won Best England.
- Andrew Goff has never won Best France.
- Jacob Traeger has never won Best Russia.
- This is the first tournament for Shane Armstrong.
- Mathew Oliver has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Noah Bradley has never won Best France.
- Peter McNamara has never won Best Turkey.
- Nancy Jin has never won Best Turkey.
- Max Wanji Roe Banks has never won Best Italy.
- Jamal Blakkarly most recently won Best France in 2012 at Victorian Championships 2012.
- This is the first tournament for Alan Thomson.
- This is the first tournament for Darcy Morris.
- Andrew Goff was North American Champion in 2009, 2018.
- Jamal Blakkarly has never won Best Turkey.
- This is the first tournament for Damon Vavros.
- Nancy Jin has never won Best England.
- Jamal Blakkarly was World Champion in 2023.
- Peter McNamara has never won Best Germany.
- Jamal Blakkarly has won Best Austria-Hungary once.
- Sean Colman has never won Best Russia.
- Nancy Jin has never won Best Italy.
- Henry Grey has never won Best Turkey.
- Jude Connor has never won Best England.
- Jamal Blakkarly has never won Best Germany.
- Alex Patterson has never won Best Italy.
- Harry Fulton has never won Best Germany.
- Andrew Goff has never won Best England.
- Harry Fulton has never won Best Italy.
- Mathew Oliver has never won Best France.
- This is the first tournament for Harry Fulton.
- Hector Soukhavong has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- This is the first tournament for Jason Gray.
- Alan Thomson has never won Best Russia.
- This is the first tournament for William Colman.
- This is the first tournament for Noah Bradley.
- Alex Patterson has never won Best Turkey.
- Alex Batten has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- This is the first tournament for Andrew Goff.
- Noah Bradley has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Sean Colman has never won Best Turkey.
- Darryl Cox has never won Best Russia.
- Damon Vavros has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jacob Traeger has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Max Wanji Roe Banks.
- Peter McNamara has never won Best Italy.
- Olivia Boddington has never won Best Italy.
- Hector Soukhavong has never won Best Turkey.
- This is the first tournament for Jacob Traeger.
- Jason Gray has never won Best Russia.
- Andrew Goff was Bismark Cup Winner in 2008.
- Tammika Colman has never won Best England.
- Tianyu Sun has never won Best France.
- Peter McNamara has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Nancy Jin has never won Best Germany.
- Hector Soukhavong has never won Best Italy.
- Ar-j Castelo has never won Best France.
- Damon Vavros has never won Best Russia.
- Jason Gray has never won Best Turkey.
- Jacob Traeger has never won Best Turkey.
- Andrew Goff has never won Best Germany.
- Tammika Colman has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Andrew Goff has never won Best Turkey.
- Sean Colman has never won Best Germany.
- Olivia Boddington has never won Best France.
- Peter McNamara won Best Stab at DipCon 47 2014.
- Jamal Blakkarly has won Best England once.
- This is the first tournament for Marcus Loane.
- Peter McNamara won Best Austria at Melbourne Diplomacy Open 2019.
- Harry Fulton has never won Best France.
- Jacob Searle has never won Best Turkey.
- Marcus Loane has never won Best Italy.
- William Colman has never won Best England.
- Alex Batten has never won Best England.
- Darcy Morris has never won Best Germany.
- Jamal Blakkarly first won Best France in 2012 at Victorian Championships 2012.
- Olivia Boddington has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Harry Fulton has never won Best Russia.
- Ar-j Castelo has never won Best Russia.
- Brandan Austin has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Martin Landauer.
- Connor Bennetts has never won Best Russia.
- Jacob Traeger has never won Best Italy.
- Jamal Blakkarly has won 6 of 31 tournaments (19.35%).
- This is the first tournament for Henry Grey.
- William Colman has never won Best France.
- Marcus Loane has never won Best France.
- Alex Batten has never won Best France.
- Max Wanji Roe Banks has never won Best Germany.
- Jude Connor has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Doug Stewart.
- Andrew Goff has never won Best Italy.
- Jamal Blakkarly has played 39 tournament games.
- Marcus Loane has never won Best Turkey.
- Zoe Cameron has never won Best France.
- Stuart Barton has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jamal Blakkarly first won Best Austria in 2024 at World Diplomacy Championship 2024 Milano.
- Ar-j Castelo has never won Best England.
- Martin Landauer has never won Best France.
- Brandan Austin has never won Best Russia.
- Jason Gray has never won Best England.
- Jason Gray has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Sean Colman has never won Best France.
- Tammika Colman has never won Best Russia.
- This is the first tournament for Jude Connor.
- Shane Armstrong has never won Best Italy.
- Andrew Goff has never won Best Russia.
- Alan Thomson has never won Best Italy.
- Jamal Blakkarly first won Best Italy in 2016 at Melbourne Diplomacy Open 2016.
- Ethan Peters has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Jacob Searle.
- Jamal Blakkarly has finished with as many as 16 centres in tournament games.
- Alex Patterson has never won Best Germany.
- Jason Gray has never won Best France.
- Zoe Cameron has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- This is the first tournament for Joshua (the Beast) Crowther.
- Harry Fulton has never won Best England.
- Darcy Morris has never won Best France.
- Jason Gray has never won Best Germany.
- Mathew Oliver has never won Best Turkey.
- Peter McNamara won Best England at Melbourne Diplomacy Open 2019.
- Henry Grey has never won Best Italy.
- Shane Armstrong has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Sean Colman.
- Peter McNamara has never won Best France.
- Alan Thomson has never won Best France.
- Darryl Cox has never won Best Italy.
- Jacob Searle has never won Best France.
- Alex Patterson has never won Best France.
- This is the first tournament for Alex Patterson.
- This is the first tournament for Ar-j Castelo.
- Damon Vavros has never won Best Turkey.
- Darcy Morris has never won Best Russia.
- This is the first tournament for Tianyu Sun.
- Zoe Cameron has never won Best England.
- Alex Batten has never won Best Germany.
- Harry Fulton has never won Best Turkey.
- Henry Grey has never won Best Germany.
- Peter McNamara is ranked 15/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Ethan Peters has never won Best England.
- Mathew Oliver has never won Best England.
- Jamal Blakkarly has competed in 31 tournaments.
- Martin Landauer has never won Best Italy.
- Max Wanji Roe Banks was APAC Champion in 2024.
- Ar-j Castelo has never won Best Turkey.
- This is the first tournament for Hector Soukhavong.
- Olivia Boddington has never won Best England.
- Martin Landauer has never won Best England.
- Jamal Blakkarly most recently won Best Austria in 2024 at World Diplomacy Championship 2024 Milano.
- Hector Soukhavong has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Tammika Colman.
- Doug Stewart has never won Best Italy.
- Jude Connor has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Martin Landauer has never won Best Russia.
- Zoe Cameron has never won Best Italy.
- Tammika Colman has never won Best Italy.
- Jamal Blakkarly topped the board in 11 of 39 tournament games played (28.21%).
- Tammika Colman has never won Best France.
- Alan Thomson has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Zoe Cameron.
- Jason Gray has never won Best Italy.
- Joshua (the Beast) Crowther has never won Best Turkey.
- Ar-j Castelo has never won Best Germany.
- Martin Landauer has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Tianyu Sun has never won Best England.
- Joshua (the Beast) Crowther has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Mathew Oliver.
- Jacob Searle has never won Best Italy.
- Stuart Barton has never won Best France.
- Zoe Cameron has never won Best Germany.
- Tianyu Sun has never won Best Turkey.
- This is the first tournament for Olivia Boddington.
- Olivia Boddington has never won Best Russia.
- Noah Bradley has never won Best Italy.
- Nancy Jin has never won Best Russia.
- This is the first tournament for Ethan Peters.
- Jamal Blakkarly first won Best England in 2014 at PoppyCon 2014.
- Jamal Blakkarly has won Best France once.
- Nancy Jin has never won Best France.
- Hector Soukhavong has never won Best Russia.
- Darryl Cox has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Shane Armstrong has never won Best Turkey.
- Damon Vavros has never won Best France.
- Brandan Austin has never won Best Turkey.
- Darcy Morris has never won Best Italy.
- Jacob Traeger has never won Best England.
- Noah Bradley has never won Best Russia.
- Doug Stewart has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jacob Searle has never won Best Germany.
- Sean Colman has never won Best Italy.
- Jude Connor has never won Best France.
- Jamal Blakkarly has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Ethan Peters has never won Best Russia.
- Connor Bennetts has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Connor Bennetts has never won Best France.
- Connor Bennetts has never won Best England.
- Max Wanji Roe Banks has never won Best Russia.
- Zoe Cameron has never won Best Russia.
- Doug Stewart has never won Best Turkey.
- Noah Bradley has never won Best England.
- Jamal Blakkarly won their first tournament (Poppycon 2021) in 2021.
- This is the first tournament for Connor Bennetts.
- Marcus Loane has never won Best Germany.
- Sean Colman has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Noah Bradley has never won Best Turkey.
- Alan Thomson has never won Best Turkey.
- Jacob Searle has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Brandan Austin has never won Best France.
- Alex Batten has never won Best Italy.
- Mathew Oliver has never won Best Germany.
- William Colman has never won Best Russia.
- Alan Thomson has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Hector Soukhavong has never won Best France.
- Jacob Traeger has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Alex Batten has never won Best Russia.
- Jamal Blakkarly has never won Best Russia.
- Peter McNamara was European Champion in 2014.
- Harry Fulton has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Brandan Austin has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Alex Patterson has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jamal Blakkarly is ranked 2 internationally in the WPE7.
- Noah Bradley has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Alex Batten.
- Brandan Austin has never won Best Italy.
- Doug Stewart has never won Best France.
- This is the first tournament for Brandan Austin.
- Peter McNamara has never won Best England.
- Ethan Peters has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Connor Bennetts has never won Best Italy.
- Max Wanji Roe Banks has never won Best France.
- Tammika Colman has never won Best Turkey.
- This is the first tournament for Stuart Barton.
- Darryl Cox has never won Best France.
- William Colman has never won Best Italy.
- Jamal Blakkarly most recently competed in a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy League 2024) in 2025.
- Shane Armstrong has never won Best France.
- Jamal Blakkarly most recently won Best England in 2014 at PoppyCon 2014.
- Alan Thomson has never won Best England.
- Shane Armstrong has never won Best Russia.
- Darcy Morris has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Henry Grey has never won Best Russia.
- Stuart Barton has never won Best Germany.
- Jamal Blakkarly first competed in a tournament (Victorian Championships 2012) in 2012.
- Marcus Loane has never won Best England.
- Ethan Peters has never won Best Italy.
- Darryl Cox has never won Best Germany.
- Stuart Barton has never won Best Italy.
- William Colman has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Peter McNamara.
- William Colman has never won Best Turkey.
- Alex Patterson has never won Best Russia.
- Henry Grey has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jude Connor has never won Best Russia.
- Jacob Searle has never won Best England.
- Alex Patterson has never won Best England.
- Darryl Cox has never won Best England.
- Olivia Boddington has never won Best Turkey.
- Tammika Colman has never won Best Germany.
- Connor Bennetts has never won Best Germany.
- Doug Stewart has never won Best Germany.
- Mathew Oliver has never won Best Russia.
- Darcy Morris has never won Best England.
- Jacob Searle has never won Best Russia.
- Marcus Loane has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Joshua (the Beast) Crowther has never won Best England.
- Joshua (the Beast) Crowther has never won Best Russia.
- Brandan Austin has never won Best England.
- Doug Stewart has never won Best Russia.
- Hector Soukhavong has never won Best England.
- Alex Batten has never won Best Turkey.
- Damon Vavros has never won Best Germany.
- Shane Armstrong has never won Best England.
- Joshua (the Beast) Crowther has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jude Connor has never won Best Turkey.
- Peter McNamara is ranked 8/2500 internationally in the Dip Pouch Tournament Rating.
- Tianyu Sun has never won Best Germany.
- Max Wanji Roe Banks has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Stuart Barton has never won Best Russia.
- Connor Bennetts has never won Best Turkey.
- Mathew Oliver has never won Best Italy.
- Ethan Peters has never won Best Turkey.
- This is the first tournament for Nancy Jin.
- Jude Connor has never won Best Italy.
- Jamal Blakkarly most recently won Best Italy in 2016 at Melbourne Diplomacy Open 2016.
- Max Wanji Roe Banks has never won Best Turkey.
- Jacob Traeger has never won Best France.
- Tianyu Sun has never won Best Russia.
- Nancy Jin has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jamal Blakkarly most recently won a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy Championship 2023) in 2024.
- Darryl Cox has never won Best Turkey.
- Olivia Boddington has never won Best Germany.
- Damon Vavros has never won Best Italy.
- Andrew Goff has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Andrew Goff was World Champion in 2009, 2011, 2018.
- Damon Vavros has never won Best England.