Liberty Cup 2023 Background
- Evan Bouleris has never won Best Italy.
- Christian Pedone most recently won Best France in 2014 at World Boardgaming Championships 2014 with 12 Supply Centres.
- Jason Bennett has never won Best England.
- David Maletsky has never won Best Russia.
- Evan Bouleris has never won Best Germany.
- Bill Hackenbracht has won Best Austria-Hungary 2 times.
- Bill Hackenbracht first won Best Italy in 2019 at World DipCon XXIX 2019 with 12 Supply Centres.
- Christian Pedone most recently won Best Turkey in 2007 at Tempest in a teapot IX 2007 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Abraham Rowe has never won Best England.
- Christian Pedone has competed in 37 tournaments.
- Christian Pedone has soloed 1 of 76 tournament games played (1.32%).
- Jacob Lindahl has never won Best Italy.
- This is the first tournament for Steve Cameron.
- Bill Hackenbracht won Death With Dignity at Dixie 32 2018.
- Kelly McVeigh has never won Best Germany.
- This is the first tournament for Teague Eppright.
- Christian Pedone has never won Best Germany.
- John Archbold has played 5 tournament games.
- Douglas Rintoul has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Bill Hackenbracht has played 78 tournament games.
- Peter Cook has never won Best England.
- Bill Hackenbracht is ranked 53/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Teague Eppright has never won Best Russia.
- Chris Kaminski has never won Best England.
- Peter Cook first competed in a tournament (Virtual-Liberty Cup 2020) in 2020.
- Chris Kaminski has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Teague Eppright has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jason Bennett has yet to top the board at a tournament.
- Bill Hackenbracht was eliminated in 11 of 78 tournament games played (14.10%).
- Bill Hackenbracht first won Best Turkey in 2011 at Massacre 2011 with 8 Supply Centres.
- Steve Cameron has never won Best Turkey.
- Christian Pedone topped the board in 24 of 76 tournament games played (31.58%).
- Bill Hackenbracht most recently won a tournament (@@@virtual-Carnage 2020) in 2020.
- Peter Cook most recently competed in a tournament (Virtual Summer Classic 2022) in 2022.
- Jacob Lindahl has never won Best France.
- Douglas Rintoul has never won Best Germany.
- John Archbold has never won Best Germany.
- Christian Pedone won Biggest Liar at HuskyCon 2009.
- Teague Eppright has never won Best Italy.
- Evan Bouleris has never won Best France.
- Evan Bouleris has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- The best tournament result for Douglas Rintoul is 10th.
- Christian Pedone most recently won a tournament (World Boardgaming Championships 2012) in 2012.
- David Maletsky has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jacob Lindahl has never won Best Germany.
- Peter Cook first won Best Italy in 2020 at Virtual-Liberty Cup 2020 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Christian Pedone first won Best England in 2009 at HuskyCon 2009 with 16 Supply Centres.
- Christian Pedone first won Best Italy in 2008 at Massacre 2008 with 9 Supply Centres.
- The best tournament result for Jason Bennett is 2nd.
- Jason Bennett first won Best France in 2022 at Virtual Summer Classic 2022 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Jacob Lindahl has never won Best Turkey.
- Bill Hackenbracht won Chicago Hat at World DipCon XXVI 2016.
- John Archbold has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- John Archbold most recently won Best Italy in 2022 at Liberty Cup 2022 with 4 Supply Centres.
- Douglas Rintoul is ranked 2882/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Kevin Fernandez has never won Best Italy.
- Christian Pedone is ranked 264/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- This is the first tournament for Kelly McVeigh.
- David Maletsky has never won Best France.
- Steve Cameron has never won Best England.
- Jason Bennett most recently won Best France in 2024 at Cascadia Open 2024 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Abraham Rowe has never won Best France.
- The best tournament result for John Archbold is 4th.
- Bill Hackenbracht has won Best Russia 3 times.
- Christian Pedone has won Best Austria-Hungary once.
- Bill Hackenbracht first won Best England in 2010 at Tempest in a teapot XII 2010 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Bill Hackenbracht won Hammered at DipCon 44 2011.
- Andy Shiner has never won Best England.
- This is the first tournament for David Maletsky.
- David Maletsky has never won Best England.
- Christian Pedone has finished with as many as 18 centres in tournament games.
- The best tournament result for Peter Cook is 8th.
- Christian Pedone has won Best Turkey 2 times.
- Teague Eppright has never won Best France.
- Douglas Rintoul has never won Best Turkey.
- Christian Pedone first competed in a tournament (World DipCon XV 2005) in 2005.
- Douglas Rintoul has never won Best England.
- Jason Bennett has never won Best Turkey.
- Chris Kaminski has never won Best Germany.
- Christian Pedone is ranked 128/2500 internationally in the Dip Pouch Tournament Rating.
- Jason Bennett has never won Best Russia.
- Douglas Rintoul has never won Best France.
- Douglas Rintoul has competed in 2 tournaments.
- Chris Kaminski has never won Best France.
- Peter Cook has never won Best Turkey.
- Bill Hackenbracht has won Best England 2 times.
- Christian Pedone won their first tournament (World Boardgaming Championships 2012) in 2012.
- Evan Bouleris has never won Best Russia.
- Jason Bennett most recently won Best Austria-Hungary in 2022 at Virtual Tour of Britain 2022 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Christian Pedone first won Best France in 2010 at Weasel Moot IV 2010 with 14 Supply Centres.
- Steve Cameron has never won Best France.
- Andy Shiner has never won Best Germany.
- Christian Pedone first won Best Russia in 2008 at HuskyCon 2008 with 13 Supply Centres.
- This is the first tournament for Andy Shiner.
- Christian Pedone most recently competed in a tournament (World Diplomacy Championship Carnage 2022) in 2022.
- Chris Kaminski has never won Best Turkey.
- John Archbold has never won Best Russia.
- Bill Hackenbracht won their first tournament (Origins 2004) in 2004.
- Andy Shiner has never won Best Turkey.
- Christian Pedone most recently won Best England in 2018 at Carnage on the Mountain 2018 with 14 Supply Centres.
- Jason Bennett has won Best France 2 times.
- Peter Cook has never won Best France.
- Evan Bouleris most recently competed in a tournament (Cascadia Open 2024) in 2024.
- Abraham Rowe has never won Best Turkey.
- Bill Hackenbracht most recently won Best England in 2019 at Dixie 33 2019 with 17 Supply Centres.
- Jason Bennett has won Best Austria-Hungary once.
- Jason Bennett has competed in 8 tournaments.
- Andy Shiner has never won Best Italy.
- Douglas Rintoul has never won Best Italy.
- Jason Bennett is ranked 1200/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Peter Cook has never won Best Germany.
- Jason Bennett has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Jason Bennett has never won Best Germany.
- Jacob Lindahl has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- John Archbold has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Christian Pedone has played 76 tournament games.
- Peter Cook has won Best Italy once.
- John Archbold has won Best Italy once.
- Bill Hackenbracht has never won Best France.
- Douglas Rintoul first competed in a tournament (Virtual-Weasel Moot 2020) in 2020.
- Steve Cameron has never won Best Italy.
- Douglas Rintoul has never won Best Russia.
- Peter Cook has never won Best Russia.
- Christian Pedone first won Best Austria-Hungary in 2012 at World Boardgaming Championships 2012 with 14 Supply Centres.
- John Archbold has competed in 8 tournaments.
- Bill Hackenbracht has won Best Italy 2 times.
- Jason Bennett has yet to be eliminated in a tournament.
- Kevin Fernandez has never won Best England.
- John Archbold has finished with as many as 8 centres in tournament games.
- Peter Cook has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Christian Pedone first won Best Turkey in 2007 at HuskyCon 2007 with 15 Supply Centres.
- Christian Pedone has won Best Russia 3 times.
- The best tournament result for Evan Bouleris is 6th.
- Evan Bouleris first competed in a tournament (World Diplomacy Championship Carnage 2022) in 2022.
- Kevin Fernandez has never won Best Turkey.
- Kelly McVeigh has never won Best France.
- Bill Hackenbracht most recently won Best Russia in 2013 at TempleCon 2013 with 9 Supply Centres.
- Bill Hackenbracht most recently won Best Germany in 2013 at TempleCon 2013 with 6 Supply Centres.
- Teague Eppright has never won Best Turkey.
- Steve Cameron has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Abraham Rowe has never won Best Italy.
- Abraham Rowe has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Jason Bennett most recently competed in a tournament (Cascadia Open 2024) in 2024.
- Evan Bouleris has competed in 10 tournaments.
- David Maletsky has never won Best Germany.
- Jason Bennett has finished with as many as 9 centres in tournament games.
- Jacob Lindahl has never won Best Russia.
- John Archbold was eliminated in 1 of 5 tournament games played (20.00%).
- Bill Hackenbracht most recently competed in a tournament (!!!Thailand Diplomacy Championship 2021) in 2021.
- Bill Hackenbracht most recently won Best Austria-Hungary in 2015 at Dixie 29 2015 with 15 Supply Centres.
- Bill Hackenbracht most recently won Best Italy in 2020 at GUD Con 2020 with 9 Supply Centres.
- Andy Shiner has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Peter Cook has competed in 2 tournaments.
- John Archbold is ranked 2869/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Bill Hackenbracht won Best Germany at Liberty Cup 2018.
- Bill Hackenbracht most recently won Best Turkey in 2020 at GUD Con 2020 with 17 Supply Centres.
- Christian Pedone has won Best France 3 times.
- Jason Bennett first won Best Austria-Hungary in 2022 at Virtual Tour of Britain 2022 with 10 Supply Centres.
- Christian Pedone has won Best England 4 times.
- Bill Hackenbracht has won Best Turkey 3 times.
- Bill Hackenbracht has won Best Germany once.
- John Archbold has never won Best England.
- Teague Eppright has never won Best England.
- Jason Bennett has played 1 tournament game.
- Kevin Fernandez has never won Best Russia.
- Christian Pedone has won 1 of 37 tournaments (2.70%).
- Bill Hackenbracht first competed in a tournament (DipCon 36 2003) in 2003.
- Kelly McVeigh has never won Best England.
- Peter Cook most recently won Best Italy in 2020 at Virtual-Liberty Cup 2020 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Steve Cameron has never won Best Russia.
- Abraham Rowe has never won Best Germany.
- Kelly McVeigh has never won Best Turkey.
- Christian Pedone most recently won Best Russia in 2011 at Dixie 25 2011 with 9 Supply Centres.
- Christian Pedone has won Best Italy 2 times.
- Bill Hackenbracht first won Best Austria-Hungary in 2010 at Tempest in a teapot XII 2010 with 11 Supply Centres.
- Abraham Rowe has never won Best Russia.
- John Archbold first won Best Italy in 2022 at Liberty Cup 2022 with 4 Supply Centres.
- This is the first tournament for Abraham Rowe.
- Christian Pedone won Death With Dignity at Dixie 25 2011.
- Bill Hackenbracht won Death With Dignity at Dixie 29 2015.
- This is the first tournament for Chris Kaminski.
- Bill Hackenbracht first won Best Russia in 2004 at Origins 2004.
- Bill Hackenbracht first won Best Germany in 2013 at TempleCon 2013 with 6 Supply Centres.
- Kevin Fernandez has never won Best Germany.
- Kevin Fernandez has never won Best France.
- Steve Cameron has never won Best Germany.
- Bill Hackenbracht has finished with as many as 17 centres in tournament games.
- John Archbold first competed in a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy Championship 2020) in 2020.
- Jacob Lindahl has never won Best England.
- Jason Bennett first competed in a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy Championship 2022) in 2022.
- John Archbold has yet to top the board at a tournament.
- Jason Bennett has never won Best Italy.
- Bill Hackenbracht has won 5 of 43 tournaments (11.63%).
- Evan Bouleris has never won Best Turkey.
- Christian Pedone was eliminated in 19 of 76 tournament games played (25.00%).
- David Maletsky has never won Best Italy.
- Peter Cook is ranked 2225/3694 internationally in the World Performance Evaluation.
- Kelly McVeigh has never won Best Italy.
- John Archbold most recently competed in a tournament (Virtual Diplomacy League 2022) in 2023.
- This is the first tournament for Jacob Lindahl.
- This is the first tournament for Kevin Fernandez.
- Kelly McVeigh has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Chris Kaminski has never won Best Russia.
- John Archbold has never won Best France.
- Evan Bouleris has never won Best England.
- Kelly McVeigh has never won Best Russia.
- Andy Shiner has never won Best Russia.
- Christian Pedone most recently won Best Italy in 2010 at TempleCon 2010 with 15 Supply Centres.
- Teague Eppright has never won Best Germany.
- Kevin Fernandez has never won Best Austria-Hungary.
- Christian Pedone most recently won Best Austria-Hungary in 2012 at World Boardgaming Championships 2012 with 14 Supply Centres.
- Bill Hackenbracht has competed in 43 tournaments.
- Bill Hackenbracht topped the board in 18 of 78 tournament games played (23.08%).
- John Archbold has never won Best Turkey.
- Andy Shiner has never won Best France.
- Bill Hackenbracht is ranked 19/2500 internationally in the Dip Pouch Tournament Rating.
- Bill Hackenbracht has yet to solo at a tournament.
- Chris Kaminski has never won Best Italy.
- Douglas Rintoul most recently competed in a tournament (Virtual-Weasel Moot 2020) in 2020.
- David Maletsky has never won Best Turkey.