Virtual Boston Massacre 2021 Game Hugh_White Views
Game won by Farren Jane (F) with 34 centres.
Last year played is 1909.
- Austria-Hungary
- Karthik Konath ( )
- Eliminated in 1908
- 2.00 points
- England
- Johnny Gillam ( )
- Eliminated in 1908
- 2.00 points
- France
- Farren Jane ( farrenj )
- Solo with 34 centres in 1909
- 110.00 points
- Best France
- Germany
- Timothy Crosby ( Timothy Crosby#8471 )
- Eliminated in 1908
- 2.00 points
- Italy
- Ed Sullivan ( gohornsgo )
- Eliminated in 1908
- 1.00 points
- Russia
- Jeremiah (JJ) Raymond ( )
- Eliminated in 1908
- 2.00 points
- Turkey
- Sabi A ( BesharamSabi )
- Eliminated in 1908
- 2.00 points
Start time: June 26, 2021, 5:06 p.m.
- No draw votes