Haight v1.0
Haight scoring system
Games that end by draw vote or timing out score as follows:
- Players score 10 points per supply center.
- Eliminated players get 1 point for every year played.
- Players are ranked by their ending supply center count or order of
elimination and score a ranking bonus as follows:
7th: 0 points
6th: 11 points
5th: 22 points
4th: 33 points
3rd: 44 points
2nd: 55 points
1st: 66 points
If there is a tie for a particular rank, both players receive the score
for the lower of the rankings (i.e., in a 2-way tie for 1st place, both
players get 55 points; in a 3-way tie for 1st, all 3 players get 44
points; in a 2-way tie for 2nd place both players get 44 points, etc).
If there is a single player topping the board, they receive a bonus
equally to 5 times the difference between their SC count and the
next highest SC count (e.g., the board topper has 12 centers and the
next largest power has 9, the board topper receives a bonus of
5x3=15 points). This bonus is not awarded if there is a shared top.
Games that end in solos score as follows:
- The soloing player gets 451 points.
- Surviving players get 5 points per SC, or points equal to the
number of years played, whichever is greater.
- Eliminated players score 1 point for every year they played,
including the year eliminated.
- Ranking points are not awarded.